KAN-THT (india) Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary in India for k-Analys AB. K-Analys AB is a Swesen based company for Thermal Constants Analyser test system for analysing thermal transport properties from a single measurement. The unique TPS (Transient Plane Source) technology provides capabilities to perform fast & simple testing of Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity covering wide range of temperatures and geometry for solids, liquids, thin films, pastes and powders.

Hot Disk offers a selection of instruments for testing and measuring thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity.

TPS Advantages

The advantages of using a TPS instruments involve the following:

TPS 2500 S

At the top of the line you find the powerful TPS 2500 S, prepared to tackle more or less any type of samples and spanning the impressive thermal conductivity range of 0.005-1800 W/m/K.

Hot Disk offers a selection of instruments for testing and measuring thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity.

TPS 1500

The TPS 1500 is geared toward heavy duty testing of mainly building and construction materials, and excels when it comes to insulation materials.

TPS 500

The TPS 500 is the very capable low cost alternative, suitable for use in the small-scale laboratory or for fast, non-destructive quality control testing.

Instruments for Thermal Conductivity Measurements

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